RAE Systems monitors are top-of-the-line chemical detection systems that can detect imbalances in air spaces. There are several different types of RAE Systems monitors for gas detection. At All Safe Industries, we offer standard confined space monitors along with single gases like chlorine or ammonia. We can also provide PID (photo-ionization) monitors which detect hundreds of volitile organic chemicals (VOC's) or a combination of multigas with PID monitors which hazmat teams nationwide use when responding to chemical spills or terrorist events.

RAE Systems for Gas Detection

These monitors can scan and detect several hundreds of gases, both toxic and non-toxic. As a low-level search monitor, the systems are designed to support first response situatons, industrial applications and residential detection. Our RAE Systems monitors can detect low-level emissions, including toxic chemicals produced from installing carpet or insulation, carbon monoxide, illegal meth lab production and mold or mildew.

RAE Systems PID monitors also be used to scan the air for traces of agents that may be used in terrorist attacks. Once a gas is detected, an alarm will alert the monitoring body to the imbalance. A readable screen will display the detected material. Several anti-terrorist organizations and emergency response crews across the United States use such detection systems.

Wireless systems allow for easy transportation across areas to scan and detect gaseous materials. In the interest of safety, the stationary monitor can be read from a hand-held device. At All Safe Industries, we believe in providing the highest quality products to our clients. All of our products are rigorously tested for accuracy and reliability before they are sold to the public. We have people counting on us to provide the best products in the industry, and we deliver. Please contact us at 888.972.3389 for more information on gas detection devices.

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